PURGATORIO, Episode 113. Virgil Inscribes Circularity Into Linearity: PURGATORIO, Canto XIV, Lines 142 - 151

As Dante the pilgrim and Virgil begin to walk away from the envious penitents on the second terrace of Purgatory proper, Virgil, silent for a long while, suddenly pipes up to refocus and reinterpret our entire experience in cantos XII and XIV, transforming the linearity espoused by Sapia and Guido del Duca into the comedic circularity of Dante’s poem.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 102. Flattery Will Get You Irony: PURGATORIO, Canto XIII, Lines 73 - 93

Dante tiptoes by the envious on Purgatory’s second terrace, thinking he’s making some gaffe by staying silent. But Virgil is having none of it. He tells Dante to be brief . . . and Dante launches into overblown flattery (reminiscent of a certain moment for Virgil in INFERNO XIII). How much irony is found in the texture of this seemingly simple passage from PURGATORIO.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 99. The Easy Climb Into Complex Meaning: PURGATORIO, Canto XIII, Lines 1 - 21

Dante and Virgil arrive at the second terrace of Purgatory proper in a passage that seems at first glance to be fairly straightforward, naturalistic detail . . . until we notice the neologism (new word) Dante has coined, until we notice the line that barely makes sense because it has so many possible meanings, and until we realize that Virgil is offering a pagan prayer in the land of the redeemed penitents.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 67. A Dream Of Classical Sex And Sorrows: PURGATORIO, Canto IX, Lines 13 - 42

Dante dreams his way to the gate of Purgatory using three classical images about “unnatural” or “unrefined” love, while burning up with sexual ecstasy in the talons of the great eagle from Zeus and becomes Ganymede, the cupbearer to the gods. A wild (and troubling) ride for a Christian poet, to say the least.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 55. Virgil, Sordello, And The Limits Of The Will: PURGATORIO, Canto VII, Lines 37 - 63

Sordello tells Virgil they have to find a place to settle in for the night because sunset will mean they can’t move up anymore. The allegory is intense: the will, light, darkness, stasis, and descent. Maybe you should will yourself to stand still when you don’t have any light, rather than moving backwards and away from your goal.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 53. Virgil Returns To Center Stage: PURGATORIO, Canto VII, Lines 1 - 15

After Sordello and Virgil embrace, Dante the poet appears to want to return Virgil to the center of the narrative stage in his walk across the known universe. But can he? How does he renegotiate the damned Virgil’s presence in the sections of COMEDY devoted to the redeemed? And what of Cato, always lurking the theology’s narrative background?

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PURGATORIO, Episode 41. In A Rush For Peace: PURGATORIO, Canto V, Lines 37 - 63

After the lazy souls with Belacqua in the shade, Dante and Virgil come across a group that seems in a frenzied: running, shouting, galloping, calling out, speaking in one voice. They’re a marked contrast to the new motivation Dante the pilgrim gives for his journey: peace.

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