PURGATORIO, Episode 153. Stuck To The Ground (Sometimes): PURGATORIO, Canto XIX, Lines 70 - 90

Dante and Virgil are now walking along the fifth terrace of Purgatory, looking at the souls who are face down, stuck to the ground, unable to move or turn over.

One of them answers Virgil about the way up . . . and the pilgrim Dante wants to stop for a conversation.

Here are the segments for this episode of WALKING WITH DANTE:

[01:31] My English translation of the passage: PURGATORIO, Canto XIX, lines 70 - 90. If you'd like to read along or continue the conversation with me, please scroll down this page.

[03:30] Falconry as a "transmutative art"--and the possible transmutations from classical poetry.

[09:24] The problem of being stuck to the ground.

[12:18] Our disorientation among the speakers' words.

[14:37] Virgil's (new?) concepts of justice and hope.

[17:18] A new understanding of how Purgatory works.


[22:27] Rereading the passage: PURGATORIO, Canto XIX, lines 70 - 90.

And here’s my English translation of Purgatorio, Canto XIX, Lines 70 – 90

When I was released to go onto the fifth circle,

I saw people all about, weeping [and]

Lying flat on the ground, every one of them face downward.


Adhaesit pavimento anima mea!”

I heard such deep sighs from them

That I could barely understand the words.


“O God’s chosen, justice and hope

Make your sufferings less difficult.

Point us toward the higher ascent.”


“If you’ve gotten here and don’t have to lie down,

And if you wish to find the quickest way up,

Let your right hand always be facing the outside.”


So my poet begged and so someone replied

A little ahead of us. Because of this, I could tell

Who had spoken even though his face was hidden.


I turned my eyes to my leader’s eyes

And he assented with a happy sign

Concerning what my look of desire had requested.


Since I could act as I thought,

I went to stand over that creature

Whose words had just now directed my attention to him.