PURGATORIO, Episode 160. The Madness Of Hugh Capet's Descendants: PURGATORIO, Canto XX, Lines 61 - 81

Hugh Capet continues the story of his family with three descendants who make a mess of Italy in Dante the poet’s own day: Charles I of Anjou, Charles of Valois, and Charles II of Anjou. The Capetian dynasty is driven mad by avarice, all starting with the acquisition of the dowry of Provence. (And in this passage, we get our first instance of antisemitism in COMEDY.)

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PURGATORIO, Episode 159. Hugh Capet In Purgatory . . . Or Maybe Not: PURGATORIO, Canto XX, Lines 40 - 60

Dante the pilgrim walks up to the soul who has been citing Mary, Fabricius, and Nicholas as his exemplars against avarice. The pilgrim finds himself with Hugh Capet, the legendary (and historical) founder of the Capetian dynasty of French kings. Or maybe not, since Dante the poet gets his historical wires crossed.

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PURGATORIO, Epsiode 158. Poverty As Reward And Compensation: PURGATORIO, Canto XX, Lines 16 - 39

Dante and Virgil pick their way slowly among the avaricious shades, face down and immobile on the fifth terrace of Mount Purgatory. Dante the pilgrim is attracted by one soul ahead who is speaking out examples of poverty . . . and perhaps generosity. This voice leads the pilgrim right up to the next major figure of PURGATORIO.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 157. What The Pilgrim Can Do And What A Redeemer Must Do: PURGATORIO, Canto XX, Lines 1 - 15

Dante the pilgrim has to move on . . . because Pope Adrian V told him to. The pilgrim and Virgil pick their way among the crowds of penitents on the terrace of avarice. There are so many that the poet has to step out with a prophetic curse and a plea for a redeemer.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 156. The Loneliness Of Pope Adrian V: PURGATORIO, Canto XIX, Lines 127 - 145

Pope Adrian V ends his discourse in a strange way: seemingly piqued at the pilgrim Dante before he sounds a note of loneliness, even alienation. Perhaps this loneliness is what avarice does to a soul. Or perhaps it’s what exile has done to Dante.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 155. The Most Bitter Pain Of Purgatory: PURGATORIO, Canto XIX, Lines 115 - 124

Pope Adrian V answers the pilgrim Dante’s second question: What is going on here on the fifth terrace of Purgatory? In so doing, the pope offers one of the most misunderstood lines of PURGATORIO and also ties the punishment here back to the subject of falconry.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 154. A Pope In Purgatory For (Surprise!) Avarice: PURGATORIO, Canto XIX, Lines 91 - 114

Dante the pilgrim gets Virgil’s okay to address one of the penitents on the fifth circle of Mount Purgatory. The pilgrim then finds himself standing over Pope Adrian V, the first pope we meet in PURGATORIO. Or at least it’s Adrian V as far as the Dante the poet is concerned . . . but maybe not as far as history is concerned.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 153. Stuck To The Ground (Sometimes): PURGATORIO, Canto XIX, Lines 70 - 90

Dante and Virgil now walk along the fifth terrace of Mount Purgatory, seeing penitent souls who are face down, stuck to the earth, unable to turn over. Virgil wants to get on up to the next terrace but Dante the pilgrim wants to stop and talk to one of these penitents.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 152. Look Up To The Heavens: PURGATORIO, Canto XIX, Lines 52 - 69

The pilgrim may be on his way to the fifth terrace of Purgatory, but he’s still burdened by his dream of the seductive woman and the holy, speedy lady. Virgil comes to the rescue once again—this time with a reinterpretation of that dream (which leaves us a lot of questions!) and a command to look up at the heavens as the ultimate lure of desire.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 148. Chilly Dreams Before The Fifth Terrace Of Purgatory: PURGATORIO, Canto XIX, Lines 1 - 15

Our pilgrim Dante falls asleep on the fourth terrace of Mount Purgatory, just as he’s been passed by the racing slothful. The night air is chilly and his dream is chillier: a deformed woman made beautiful by our pilgrim’s act of observing her.

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