PURGATORIO, Epsiode 158. Poverty As Reward And Compensation: PURGATORIO, Canto XX, Lines 16 - 39
Dante has gone beyond Pope Adrian V but hasn't left the fifth terrace of Purgatory. He and Virgil pick their way among the many shades until the pilgrim hears one shade call out three examples that entice the pilgrim to find this penitent.
Here are the segments for this episode of WALKING WITH DANTE:
[01:15] My English translation of the passage: PURGATORIO, Canto XX, lines 16 - 39. If you'd like to read along or continue the conversation with me about this passage, please scroll down this page.
[03:15] Dante, the poor homeless man, stares at the greedy.
[05:25] The exemplars for the avaricious are told in very few words.
[07:04] The first exemplar for the avaricious: Mary and her poverty.
[10:03] The second exemplar for the avaricious: Fabricius and his poverty.
[12:26] The third exemplar for the avaricious: Saint Nicholas and his generosity.
[16:18] Does Dante have a death wish?
[22:10] Rereading the passge: PURGATORIO, Canto XX, lines 16 - 39.
And here’s my English translation of PURGATORIO, Canto XX, lines 16 – 39
We advanced with just a few slow steps.
Meanwhile, I paid close attention to the shades who I heard
Weeping and sighing most pitifully.
By chance I heard: “Sweet Mary!”
The voice called out softly just ahead of us,
Like a woman giving birth.
Then the voice went on: “We see how altogether impoverished
You were because of the hostel
Where you set down your sacred burden.”
Next I heard: “O good Fabricius,
You wanted plentiful virtue with poverty
Rather than fantastic riches with vice.”
These words were so pleasing to me
That I went along farther to meet
This spirit they seemed to come from.
He was still talking about the generosity
That Nicholas did to the maidens,
About leading their youthfulness to honor.
“O spirit who narrates such good things,”
I said, “tell me who you were and why you alone
Repeat such commendable praise.
“Your speech will not be without its reward,
If I get back to complete the short road
Of my life that now flies to its conclusion.”