PURGATORIO, Episode 55. Virgil, Sordello, And The Limits Of The Will: PURGATORIO, Canto VII, Lines 37 - 63

Sordello tells Virgil they have to find a place to settle in for the night because sunset will mean they can’t move up anymore. The allegory is intense: the will, light, darkness, stasis, and descent. Maybe you should will yourself to stand still when you don’t have any light, rather than moving backwards and away from your goal.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 48. Sordello, Dante's Second Guide Across The Known Universe: PURGATORIO, Canto VI, Lines 49 - 75

Dante and Virgil encounter the second guide across the known universe: Sordello, a late troubadour poet from Italy who is deeply connected to characters across COMEDY and who practiced a sort of poetry that Dante himself wrote earlier in his career. Sordello is isolated and alone, a strange figure in this broken-in-half sixth canto of PURGATORIO.

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