PURGATORIO, Episode 41. In A Rush For Peace: PURGATORIO, Canto V, Lines 37 - 63

After the lazy souls with Belacqua in the shade, Dante and Virgil come across a group that seems in a frenzied: running, shouting, galloping, calling out, speaking in one voice. They’re a marked contrast to the new motivation Dante the pilgrim gives for his journey: peace.

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PURGATORIO, Episode 40. The Prisoners Of Hope: PURGATORIO, Canto V, Lines 22 - 36

Dante and Virgil pass beyond Belacqua’s lazy cohorts and find themselves among some very industrious souls who are also eager to know how the pilgrim Dante is still in his body. This time, Virgil’s reply is completely different. What’s going on? What accounts for the change in Virgil?

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