INFERNO, Episode 135. A Review And Reading Of The Entire Fifth Evil Pouch Of Fraud: Inferno, Canto XXI, Line 1 - Canto XXIII, Line 57

An overview of the entire fifth evil pouch, one of the malebolge, in the eighth circle of hell, Inferno’s vast landscape of fraud. I’ll read the entire narrative sequence from Inferno, Canto XXI, line 1 through Canto XXIII, line 57—then I’ll offer some general comments about this vast and spectacular story set inside INFERNO.

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INFERNO, Episode 125. High Virgil, Low Demons, And The Poor Pilgrim Dante: Inferno, Canto XXI, Lines 64 - 102

The demon’s low speech, Virgil’s high rhetoric, and the poor pilgrim Dante, squatting behind a rock. This passage from Inferno, the fifth of the malebolge in the eighth circle of fraud, is full of high drama, silly comedy, and even a bit of Dante-the-poet’s autobiography. In other words, classic INFERNO.

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INFERNO, Episode 121. Breaking Every Text, Even Your Own: Inferno, Canto XX, Lines 100 - 130

The last of the soothsayers in the 4th of the malebolge, the evil pouches, of the 8th circle of INFERNO, the giant wheel of fraud. The passage ends in a literary tour de force: irony, whimsy, careful structure, and even a final note of sheer bravado. How else do you end the damnation of those who told the future when you’re the poet trying to do the same thing?

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