INFERNO, Episode 98. Behold The Beast Of Fraud And Poetic Technique: Inferno, Canto XVII, Lines 1 - 27

Behold the beast of fraud! And behold INFERNO, canto XVII, in which Dante, having sworn on his COMEDY that he really saw this thing, goes silent. In which Virgil takes over. And in which the poetic techniques become more elaborate and more aesthetically pleasing. The beast of fraud brings on the poetry. Naturally.

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INFERNO, Episode 97. Laying My Cards On The Table: How I Read Dante's Comedy

A meta episode of the podcast WALKING WITH DANTE—and perhaps a personal confession, too. Here’s my own overview of COMEDY—or perhaps the overview of the way I idiosyncratically read (that is, interpret) Dante’s masterwork COMEDY. It’s an overview of the writerly strategies as a whole and a clue to my own obsessions with the poetics of this work.

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INFERNO, Episode 95. Cords, Leopards, Medieval Poets, And Medieval Pilgrims, All Straightened Out By Classical Poetry: Inferno, Canto XVI, Lines 106 - 123

Dante the poet is rewriting COMEDY as Dante the pilgrim is providing the raw material only a classical poet can straighten out. COMEDY is getting more complicated, more meta by the line. Join me, Mark Scarbrough, for an exploration of this tough passage from Inferno, Canto XVI, on WALKING WITH DANTE.

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INFERNO, Episode 91. The Answer To Dashed Hopes Is Far Harder Than Anger: Inferno, Canto XVI, Lines 46 - 63

Dante finally replies to his political heroes. He does two incredible things. He refuses to pick up the game of courtesy and disdain. And instead of anger at his dashed hopes, he comes to a place of sadness and human connection. This is a fundamental change in the pilgrim. And he sees the journey ahead clearly for the first time.

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INFERNO, Episode 90. When History Speaks, It Doesn't Always Tell The Truth: Inferno, Canto XVI, Lines 28 - 45

Dante again gets to speak with history. In Canto X, he got to speak to the opposing side, to Farinata. Here, he gets to speak to his heroes, the three Guelph leaders who accomplished what Dante hoped to accomplish. And who made absolutely no difference in the hell of Florentine history. What happens when you meet your heroes and they’re damned?

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INFERNO, Episode 89. Brunetto Is Gone But Not Forgotten On The Burning Sands: Inferno, Canto XVI, Lines 1 - 27

Still on an embankment over the burning sands, Dante and Virgil encounter three more of the homosexuals in the seventh circle of hell. These are three Guelph heroes. And they’re going to give the pilgrim—and the poet behind him—a lesson he will never forget. All the good intentions in the world don’t create a good civic society.

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INFERNO, Episode 86. Gossip, Ambivalence, and The Strangeness of Virgil's Presence: Inferno, Canto XV, Lines 100 - 124

The pilgrim, Dante’s got one more thing to ask: prurient gossip. And Brunetto Latini’s got one more thing to say: Don’t forget my book! But there are deep ironies here. The two of them have been nattering on about writerly fame. And about pure Roman blood. All while Exhibit A, Virgil, has been walking right beside them.

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INFERNO, Episode 85. A Pilgrim Walking Across Hell? Not Really. More Like A Writer: Inferno, Canto XV, Lines 79 - 99

After Brunetto Latini’s history lesson and prophecy, Dante doesn’t respond as a student to the master. He responds as one writer to another. He offers all the writerly tropes: rhetorical skill, doubt, bravado, and the hope that his text will be read, even glossed, the only way to find fame in his world. The soul may be eternal. The writer? Not necessarily.

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INFERNO, Episode 84. Unanswered Questions and Unasked-For Prophecies: Inferno, Canto XV, Lines 46 - 78

Brunetto Latini has questions for our pilgrim, Dante. But Dante only has confessions. He has to tell his teacher what happened—using Brunetto’s own words. Do we need writer to explain what happens to us? Brunetto may not. He sets off on a history lesson and then a prophecy for the pilgrim’s (and the poet’s) fate. Inferno, Canto XV, gets stranger by the line. So many agendas, so much talking across each other!

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INFERNO, Episode 83. The Fourth Great Sinner Of Hell, Brunetto Latini: Inferno, Canto XV, Lines 25 - 45

Dante, our pilgrim, encounters the man who was his teacher (or who he wants us to think was his teacher): Brunetto Latini. Their relationship is that of a father and a son. Or an older poet and a younger poet. Or maybe those are the same thing. No wonder INFERNO, Canto XV is so fraught. It’s never easy to find your mentor, especially when he’s in hell.

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INFERNO, Episode 82. The Long View Across The Burning Sands: Inferno, Canto XV, Lines 1 - 24

We’ve come to the burning sands, not just to see them, but to walk down the levy that Virgil has called the most amazing sight of hell. We’re in Canto XV of INFERNO, starting to walk among those violent against nature: the Sodomites. But not yet. Up first, poetic excess. And pilgrim doubt. Because we’re about to enter the hellish heart of the writerly project: the quest for fame.

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INFERNO, Episode 80. Exploring A Coda To A Canto And Cleaning Up The Canto As A Whole: Inferno, Canto XIV, Lines 121 - 142

We finish Canto XIV of Dante's INFERNO with a brief coda: two questions from Dante to Virgil, further clarifying the hydraulics of hell—and also bringing up more problems of sewing the classical world into the Christian world. Then we move on to some fascinating listener questions that have come in via emails and DMs about Canto XIV.

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INFERNO, Episode 79: The Old Man Of Crete PART TWO--Sewing The Canto Back Together: Inferno, Canto XIV, Lines 94 - 120

Inferno, Canto XIV is often seen as a twofer: Capaneus, then the Old Man Of Crete. But Dante is surely up to more than that in COMEDY. He's getting at the classical/Christian matrix. And he’s complicating the sophistication of Inferno, Canto VII. The Old Man Of Crete is the other side of the Capaneus coin. And brings us back to the notion that hell is a human landscape.

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